Summer of '42 Soundtrack

Title: Summer of '42 Soundtrack
Artist: Michel LeGrand
Purchased: Savers, Madison, WI July 2006
Verdict: Keep it
Apparently, this was a popular book, movie and soundtrack based on a true story that I never heard of either. Something about a forbidden romance on a New England island while a husband is away dying in Europe…for the war.
If I had my way, ALL New England romances would be forbidden! Huyk huyk hyuk!
Based on the synopsis, it seems like Summer of '42 falls into my I-could-not-possibly-find-anything-of-interest-in-this-wistful-recollection-of-days-gone-by category, like I do with most Neil Simon plays. But on the thrift store shelf, the soundtrack was alluring. Michel LeGrand is responsible for the catchy meaningless vocal track "Di Gue Ding" from The Kid Stays In the Picture*, so, against my wife's warning, I wanted to see if lightning could strike twice.
It didn't so much. I started checking out the tracks (some of which weren't even from the movie), and it was a nice, lilting orchestral score. I was tempted to keep it for that alone, but I need excuses not to keep things right now. However, the last track I got to (actually the last song on side one) was "High I.Q.", a fun '60s go-go number like I was expecting on Gaily, Gaily. Michel LeGrand, you pulled the fat out of the fire once again.
*The Kid Stays In the Picture soundtrack was compiled my wife, the lovely Anita Serwacki, so she's largely responsible for re-introducing "Di Gue Ding" to the States.
What, no MP3 of "High I.Q"?
If you know how to do it and would like to walk me through it, I would love to post one.
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