The Nightfly

Title: The Nightfly
Artist: Donald Fagen
Purchased: Believed to be album donation from Sean Dorgan
Verdict: Sorry Jessie
Jessie Dean is one of my favorite people in the world. She easily makes the top 20 of all the people I've known in my life. However, she loves Steely Dan and Donald Fagan, so I feel like I'm letting her down. Or at least I will let her down in like 3…2…1…
I really dislike this album.
It's a smooth jazz nightmare, slick and overproduced, Kenny G with vocals which might actually be kind of clever if I felt like sitting down and listening to them, which I don't. Anita said, with a sour face, that it sounds like someone noodling around in an organ store. It has one song, "I.G.Y." that got radio play in the 80's, so my familiarity led me to dislike this song less. Not enough though.
Joe, may I recommend you give this one more spin? I used to hate Steely Dan, too. But then one day I finally got it. These guys are disillusioned romantics at best and bitter, bitter bastards at worst. Pairing their cynical sentiments to this fuzzed over smooth jazz ony makes it all seem so much more perverse.
I'm a big fan of The Nightfly (it's one a few albums we have framed on our wall.) Try listening to it keeping in mind it's a concept album made by a burned-out middle-ageed man applying a romantic gloss to the material of his childhood. Only it's a gloss that doesn't hide what was actually going on at the time: false optimism and nuclear paranoia. Then again, I can't get my wife to like The Dan, so maybe it's not for everyone.
I'm gonna walk between the raindrops back to your door, light a paper bag of dog poop on fire, ring your doorbell, then leave it on your doorstep. This is a fine album!
- r
Joe Garden is all about second chances, but I listened to this all the way through once and can't subject myself to it again. No dice, Fagen appologists!
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