My Aim Is True

Title: My Aim Is True
Artist: Elvis Costello
Purchased: Likely migrated into my records collection from that of an ex-girlfriend.
Verdict: The sound it made hitting the garbage can was more interesting that anything on the album.
I didn't need to listen to this again to tell you what I think of it. I lived it. But in the interest of fairness and not cheating in my mission to fairly judge all my stagnant records, I did. I stand by my conviction that I've never heard anyone more overrated than Elvis Costello. And don't lecture me. I tried. I think he's boring and his voice is grating. "But you haven't heard the right song," you say. No, and I won 't. Ever. For everyone that wants to argue against, feel free. But first, lock yourself in a room and listen to "Allison" 15 times in a row, then come out and tell me what a clever gent and a genius he is.
[Head exploding]
Actually, my head would have exploded ten years ago. I kind of dread a new E.C. album these days. But this is still good. In fact, I just listened to it the other day before I saw this post. But, whatever, he's not for everyone. Fun note: This is pre-Attractions and his backing band was also playng with Huey Lewis at the time.
Yeah, I worry that I am coming off solely as a contrarian by posting this, but I just can't buy the "angry young man" thing.
Joe, you are my hero of the day. Elvis Costello (and REM, for that matter) are the two biggest "artists you're supposed to like that I can't f*%king stand.
Gimme Joe Jackson or Gram Parker ANY day.
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